Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kristies Birthday

Hip, Hip Horray it's Kristies Birthday today.

And these are what I made for her. A set of Betty Boop placemats and I put them inside a Betty Boop Bag. I think she was pretty happy with them. I hope she was.
She is a big fan of Betty Boop so it makes it a bit easier to know what to make her.
Kristie is the mother of out 3 beautiful
grandchildren (Chloe, Claudia and cyclone Jackson)

Now what to make? I'm going to do some teaching this year so I need to prepare a few things for classes which will be good fun. I enjoy playing and designing my own designs so we will see how we go.
So till next time "Happy Sewing"


  1. Hi Cheryl, your bags and other gifts are lovely. Lucky girls to have someone to make them something from the heart. Have a great day, Tracy (patchNquilt)

  2. lovely to see your makings Cheryl and how fortunate for your family to receive them...they are look super
    cheers Vickie
